Front Page

Our Mission 

The wisdom Trust raises awarness about the important issues impacting the future of our planet – from poverty to enviromental and health issues.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to help create a global learning community where every country and every community can use The Wisdom Trust Website to share collective wisdom.

How we can Help

Members can off their support by singning up then a logging in every day voting for their favourite, learning and sharing wisdome in the Wisdom Community.


The Wisdom Community

The Wisdom Commnity is where our members, can interact through groups, forums or
the activity feed, Follow, like, connect rad and publish content within The Wisdom Community.

The Wisdom Community


Our Services 

What we can Do

We make donations to support the work of other charities, good causes and not for profit initiatives both in the uk and around the worldd and work with other to promote friendship, goodwill and mutual understanding across all borders. 

How we can help you 

our projects cover a whhole range of exciting activites, including online learning, support for other causes, help for communities and grants for individuals, Here are just seven ways we believe The Wisdom Trust could help you

How you can help us 

we view The Wisdom Trust as a partnership where everyone can benefit by helping each other. Whether its volunteering being a leader in your community or inspiring others, there are so many ways you could help The Wisdom Trust. See how you could make a difference.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to overcome inequality through knowledge and wisdom – founded on our core values of friendship, good will and understanding.
Our network strives to support a variety of casues from access to education, social welfare, poverty, global, healthcare, community cohesion and environmental sustainability.
Our Knowledge resources provide free digital learning materials for everyone, whether or not they have acess to formal educaiton.
Our Donations Programmee provides financial assistance to charities, good causes, volunteer organisation and not for profit initiatives, both in the UK and all over the worl; and our Wisdom Trust Grants are designed to help individuals who need support to grow and succeed. 


Get Involved Today

We are building a global network of people and organisations, all sharing their collective wisdom to help make our communities better, safer, happier and more sustainable places to live.
We make donations to support other charitable causes, worldwide as voted for by our members, its free to join and members can apply for grants too, to help them make a positive difference in their own lives. And everyone can help make a difference every time they shop online.

Vote for Your Favourite Cause



Supporting Charities And Good Causes

Here at The Wisdom Trust we recognise, without reservation, the fantastic work being undertaken by thousands of brilliant charities, good causes and other not-for-profit initiatives all over the wor

Wisdom Through Learning

We provide an ever-growing library of facts, statistics, information, reviews, tips, humour, quotations and questions on our website.
This comprehensive resource is designed to help you increase your own knowledge .


We understand the transformative power that individuals can have in combating disadvantage when they have the support and friendship of those who share in a common goal.

Join us! It will only take a minute


Contact us

The Wisdom Trust — Making It Happen !!
Supporting Charities, Families, Education, Communities and Business
Start Small !! – Think Big! — Make a Difference
Helping you Live with a bit more Wisdom. 
