International Human Rights Seminar 2023

The Wisdom Trust held its first International Human Rights Conference in the Summer of 2023. This took place in the magnificent surroundings of Lincolns Inn in London where an audience of several dozen leading figures from the world of human rights enjoyed speeches from Barristers, Statesmen and other experts.

This was an important event, and many fruitful discussions took place both during and after the event. The Wisdom Trust aims to become a key player and a respected voice in the field of human rights and a second event in 2024 is already being planned, together with a range of other projects in the UK and around the world.

The board of trustees would like to offer their sincere gratitude to all who spoke and took part in the discussions throughout the day.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson (Author, b 1988).