Further Reading: Education | Learning Zone | Empowerment Zone | Volunteering

Step 1: We want to inspire you to learn more about the big issues impacting the future of our planet – poverty, environment, healthcare and world peace – as well as about all sorts of other interesting subjects too.
Step 2: Then we hope to inspire you to make small changes in your day-to-day life to help make a difference in your own life and the life of your community.
We will strive to do this with an ever-expanding selection of interesting and educational learning programmes, including lots of eco tips and health tips, together with regular donations to charities and good causes in your community and a range of Wisdom Trust Grants for individuals.
Step 3: Then, having been inspired yourself, we hope you’ll take up the baton and go on to inspire others.

Inspiration Through Learning
Our goal is to inspire you to develop a passion for learning. To do this we’ll provide an ever-growing library of facts, statistics, information, reviews, tips, humour, quotations and questions on our website, together with a range of interesting and educational learning programmes.
This comprehensive resource is designed to help you increase your own knowledge about the important issues affecting the future of our planet – especially poverty, world peace, environment and healthcare – and about all sorts of other interesting subjects too..
Further Reading – Library Of Wisdom

Raising Funds For Good Causes
We set aside up to 85% of our own income to support other charities, good cause and not-for-profit initiatives in communities all over the world.
We allocate funds every three months and it’s the people who use our website who decide which organisations we support, through an online vote.
We hope you’ll be inspired to add to our list all those brilliant charities and good causes working in your own community, vote for them yourself and then encourage all your friends, family and colleagues to join us so they can vote for them as well.
Further Reading – Supporting Charities & Good Causes

Inspiration Through Simple Tips
Within our Library of Wisdom, you’ll find a large selection of simple tips.
These Eco Tips, Health Tips and Thrifty Tips will inspire you with all sorts of positive new ways to save energy, live a healthier lifestyle and save money.
You could even submit some tips of your own for inclusion in our library.
Further Reading – Library Of Wisdom

Wisdom Trust Grants
At The Wisdom Trust we think it’s very important to support the work of charities, good causes and all sorts of other not-for-profit initiatives with regular donations from our Donations Fund. But we also believe it’s important to support individuals too, so they can make small, important changes in their own lives to help make a positive difference as well.
Wisdom Trust Grants are available to all our registered members, and increase in value, little by little, every time they’re awarded a Wisdom Trust Credit through their activity on our website – such as learning and searching, or by shopping online.
There are four types of Grant.
A) Eco Grants: Wisdom Trust Eco Grants help members reduce their carbon footprint at home or in the office through energy saving initiatives such as solar panels, wind turbines, loft insulation or reduce/reuse/recycle schemes. Any project which saves energy or water or reduces waste could qualify to be part-funded by a Wisdom Trust Eco Grant.
B) Education Grants: Wisdom Trust Education Grants help students and young people cover the cost of their higher education – such as course fees at college or university, books and in some cases accommodation expenses too. Every child, of any age, can join us now and start to build their own personal Wisdom Trust Education Grant Fund to help them later on in their lives when they go on to college or university.
C) Social Grants: Wisdom Trust Social Grants help members – especially those with young families, and the elderly (and particularly those on low incomes) – to cover the extra costs of healthier food options such as fresh fruit and vegetables, or to heat their homes in Winter.
D) Charity Grants: Wisdom Trust Charity Grants are quite simply for those people who just want to use their Grant Fund to channel additional funding to their favourite cause.
Further Reading – Wisdom Trust Grants

Wisdom Trust Community WISH
Our Wisdom Trust ‘Community WISH’ scheme ensures we can offer support to whole communities. Members can volunteer as Wisdom Trust Ambassadors, forming local Wisdom Trust groups – our ‘experts on the ground’ – to reach out and help people and organisations in their local area – offering Wisdom, Inspiration, Support and Hope.
Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will help ensure we connect with all local charities, good causes, schools, hospitals and other not-for-profit initiatives, including corporate charity foundations, in their communities.
We can offer all these causes a new source of regular funding, publicity for their campaigns, activities and events via our website and social media platforms, as well as Wisdom Trust Grants for their supporters, staff and families – and of course for everyone else in the community too.

Our local Wisdom Trust Ambassador teams also help connect the vulnerable, the elderly, families and those that are unwell with all available resources and organisations which can improve their lives. Our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will become specialists in their communities, so that wherever help is needed, they can make a real difference.
For example, we could help the elderly by making sure they’re aware of local groups and local grants, meals on wheels, special transport schemes and help to heat their homes in Winter. We could deliver their medication and help them buy food and meet other people so they’re not lonely.
Wisdom Trust Ambassadors can also help mothers with young children so they can also get all the help they need by connecting them with local groups, nurseries, healthcare and charities which offer advice and assistance.

Wisdom Trust Ambassadors make a difference in local communities so everyone can make positive changes in their lives. We could even encourage local tradesmen or businesses to offer free help – maybe just a few hours a month – to assist others in the local community. This could include lawyers, accountants, decorators, plumbers, financial advisors, carpenters, electricians, gardeners and handymen.
We are working on plans to help companies with business ‘build-back’ grants and to set up hardship funds to benefit their employees who have been negatively impacted as a direct result of the Covid pandemic. Our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will be able to assist us in reaching out to any interested companies in their areas. We’ll promote their products and services on our Market Place and support their charity work and corporate social responsibility activities too.
Finally, our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors can support, enhance, coordinate or establish local events such as Christmas Markets, Summer Fairs, Arts Festivals, Carnivals, Music Concerts, Sports Competitions, Countryside Rambles, Park Runs and Keep Fit Classes.
Further Reading – Supporting Communities

How Can You Help
Members can offer their support by signing-up, then a) logging in every day; b) voting for their favourite cause; c) learning and sharing wisdom in the Wisdom Community; d) perhaps even shopping online through the website; e) spreading the word by inviting all their friends, family and colleagues to join us; f) and by contributing their own personal Pledge For Peace on our website.
By joining the Wisdom Trust as either a member or as one of our registered charitable causes, you become part of a network that is creating positive change right across the globe, for underprivileged individuals, groups and the sustainability of our planet by unlocking the collective power of wisdom and knowledge for all.

Join Us Today!
Joining The Wisdom Trust is very simple and completely free for both individuals and organisations.
We will make a difference and in just a few click of your mouse you too could be playing your part in helping to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of age, background, religion, race or culture – or even where they live.

The Wisdom Trust – Making It Happen!!
Supporting Charities, Families, Education, Communities and Business.
Start Small! – Think Big! – Make A Difference
Helping you LIVE with a bit more Wisdom.
Learn | Inspire | Volunteer | Empower