Further Reading: About Us | What We Do | Wisdom | Support

We understand the transformative power that individuals can have in combating disadvantage when they have the support and friendship of those who share in a common goal.
Here at The Wisdom Trust, we are determined to do everything we can to overcome prejudice, inequality, discrimination and exploitation, wherever we find it.
Through ongoing collaboration with our expanding network of members and partner organisations we actively promote friendship, empathy and understanding as forces for change that further support our core mission.
Through promoting equal access to learning opportunities and our Wisdom Trust Grants we are striving to help overcome global welfare inequality, supporting equal access to basic necessities such as a decent home, sufficient food, clean water, the right to personal safety & security and universal healthcare for all.

Achieving Our Goals Through Friendship
Through fostering an attitude of positive collaboration and friendship between organisations and individuals around the globe, we‘re confident in bringing positive change to those who are suffering.
Rather than focus on the divisions, tariffs, retribution for past wrongdoings or cultural differences, that exist in our global society we are focused on bridging those divides in order to support the causes and issues we believe are most important. These include:-
- The Welfare of children and young people
- Education for all
- Secure homes in safe, happy & sustainable communities
- Clean water
- Sufficient food
- Universal healthcare
- Protection of the environment and all living things
- A closer, sharing, caring society.
When united together, people and nations are stronger and more effective at overcoming the suffering of those who are still disadvantaged in the modern world.
Through spreading the spirit of friendship and the power of wisdom and knowledge for everyone, we can become a force for positive change in the world.

How Can You Help
Members can offer their support by signing-up, then a) logging in every day; b) voting for their favourite cause; c) learning and sharing wisdom in the Wisdom Community; d) perhaps even shopping online through the website; e) spreading the word by inviting all their friends, family and colleagues to join us; f) and by contributing their own personal Pledge For Peace on our website.
By joining the Wisdom Trust as either a member or as one of our registered charitable causes, you become part of a network that is creating positive change right across the globe, for underprivileged individuals, groups and the sustainability of our planet by unlocking the collective power of wisdom and knowledge for all.

Join Us Today!
Joining The Wisdom Trust is very simple and completely free for both individuals and organisations.
We will make a difference and in just a few click of your mouse you too could be playing your part in helping to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of age, background, religion, race or culture – or even where they live.

The Wisdom Trust – Making It Happen!!
Supporting Charities, Families, Education, Communities and Business.
Start Small! – Think Big! – Make A Difference
Helping you LIVE with a bit more Wisdom.
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